4 top tips on how to find a job after graduation

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  • 4 top tips on how to find a job after graduation

The end of the master’s degree is, in fact, just the beginning. One of our graduates managed to get a prestigious position immediately after graduation and shared with us his best tips on how to do it.

  1. Get started on time

The beginning of a master’s degree is an exciting period. You learn new things, meet new people, and maybe even meet a new city or country. The bad news is that this is also the time when you should start the job search process after graduation. If you want to follow the path of a graduate program, you must start the process as soon as possible.

  1. Get a safety net

When you start thinking about what you would like to do after graduation, it is important that you spread your network as much as possible. Restricting yourself to just a few companies could hurt your chances of acceptance. One of the best tips is to apply for as many positions as you like or as you can apply for.

Most of all, it’s about getting a safety net. Concentrating all your efforts on getting that one dream job may seem like a sensible use of your (limited) time, but if your application is not successful, you will have no other options.

  1. Take advantage of your career department

When you start your postgraduate studies, you usually have very little experience with job searches, applications and job interviews. And this is where our HR team, for example, will help you. It will be an invaluable source of information for you in the initial stages of finding a job after graduation.

  1. Access each request separately

Although we recommend sending a large number of requests, we also warn against an approach that could be called a “cookie-cutter”. Instead, it’s important to tailor each application to your personal needs and examine each company you apply to. A good way to do this is to go to the website of the company you are applying to and find out what their key features are and what they are looking for with graduates. They often have a page that writes about the company’s values ​​and the things they look for in employees. You may think it will be general, but it is a little different for each company. If you know what these values ​​are at the interview, you know which aspects of your nature and experience to emphasize.

Finding a job after graduation is not a quick or easy process. However, if you take these tips into account and use all available resources, you will have the best chance of success.

Good luck!

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